The following Perpetual Trophies are missing:

The "Deb Cup" - for the winner iof the first race in a World Championship, last seen in 2005

The "Pungin Preis" - given to the 10th place at a 5.5mR Dutch Open, later at the combined "Dutch & German Open", last seen in 2015

The "Seemeilenpreis" - given to the boat with longest travel over sea to a "German Open", last seen in 2014

Any hint to find these trophies is welcome!

Then, there was another Perpetual Trophy, the "Chemical Bank Trophy", raced for between "Old World & New World"; last seen, quite long ago!

If not found, there is a donor in waiting, who is prepared to sponsor a trophy, then to be sailed between the Australian Fleet, the North American Fleet and the European Fleet. 

Details for this one, to be determined by the donor, then.    

Pungin Preis   1 Jussi and the Deb Cup Sydney 2005 5 5m Seemeilen Preis