28-29 May 2023

Andre Bernheim writes: From the launching on Saturday, followed by a cozy dinner at my home, until Monday afternoon at the launching, there was pure sunshine and pleasant temperatures up to 23°.

On Sunday we could sail, together with 18 Lacuster (!) and 11 Onyx, 3 races, with constant wind of at least 2Bf. On Monday, the wind was only enough for 1 (long) race at 2Bf. Shortly before the deadline for the last run the wind went to sleep - and came back only after 15h, with 3-4 Bf. 

With 9 boats at the start, the 5.5m could show what they can deliver. Unfortunately, Jörg Sonntag had to cancel at the last moment. I was also very happy that 2 Evolution came, Reinhard Suhner and Jürg Weber. The winner was SUI 226 with Patrick Zaug, Andreas Kindlimann and Thomas Hasler. 

We received a good newspaper article in the Zurichseezeitung, which I am happy to share with you.

Our participation in the regatta, and the newspaper article, are important for the future of the Swiss fleet. We can show what is in our boats, that the Modern is a high-tech boat, and that we are an active class. There have already been a few inquiries from people interested in sailing with us, and I think a repeat of the Whitsun regatta in Rapperswil would be essential for building our fleet.

I thank all the teams for coming, and especially the two German teams, Wölfi with his crew and the ladies crew with Susanne and Nina, and Martin Cross with AUS 63.

Here are 2 more quotes:

Wölfi Richter: "It was the best event ever. Sailing was good. Evening event at Andre's was the Oberhammer. Next year again!"

Mark Dangel: "Promising comeback of the 5.5 to Lake Zurich

The appearance of the racing yachts, which have undergone enormous development since their 20-year absence, generated a great response in many places and attracted numerous fans to the aperitif in Rapperswil harbor and to the lake with their motorboats. The initiative of our fleet manager Switzerland was a complete success, as it was followed by numerous foreign boats, 2 German ones including a pure women's team (!), as well as an Australian (!). A hint to our 5.5 friends from Lake Geneva, Lake Neuchâtel and Lake Thun to come to Zurich again."

All the best, looking forward to seeing many of you at the class championship in Grandson - please register on m2s.

1    SUI 226  Patrick ZAUGG, Andreas KINDLIMANN, Thomas HASLER TYC   4.0
2    SUI 211  George PRAPOPOULOS, Simon PFÄNDLER, Thomas HUBER SCC  9.0
3    SUI 217  Andre BERNHEIM, Michael GROSS SYH   11.0
4    GER 125  Wolf-Eberhard RICHTER, Beata KALLKOWSKI WSV1921  11.0
5    SUI 154  Reinhard SUHNER, Werner NEUER SVB   13.0
6    SUI 219  Daniel SCHENKER, Mark DANGEL, Felix MEIER TYC   14.0
7    AUS 63  Richard DAVIES, Martin CROSS, David CHARLES 123   15.0
8    SUI 144  Jürg WEBER, Harry WEBE, Dominique Jürg WEBER YCR  15.
9    GER 84  Susanne STRUTH, Nina ZIBUSCHKA, Sophie SCHNORF ETUF  

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Photos: Michael Aeppli, Staefa

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